Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mental Map

Franz Ackermann, an artist, sketches representations of what he sees on the ground level, the streets. He recreates a representation of the world being interconnected to each other. Using contemporary art to depict financial markets, information and transportation networks, social relationships, and so on.

Planimetric Map

Sanborn company used leading edge photogrammetric mapping tools to process data to create planimetric maps. This is a map of New York City's intersection of Beaver Street and New Street.

Topographic Map

A contour map using 1:4,800 scale, shading to show relief and contour lines to show elevation. The lines are very close which indicate steep slope rising from 4,500 ft. to 5,100 ft. On the top of the mountain it is flat--a plateau. This is Devil's Tower.

Thematic Map

A thematic map displays spatial pattern of a theme of attributes. This map shows USDA plant hardiness zone. There are different types of thematic maps, this map specifically is a dasymetric map of climate and plant hardiness defined with a key of different colors. John Snow was a thematic cartographer (cholera map 1855).

Cadasral Map

This is a comprehensive register of the metes and bounds of real property of a county. It is used to detail ownership. Cadastral Map overlaid on false colour composite of UMA Gani watershed, Chmur Taluk, Chandrapur District. This is using IRS_IC data on a scale of 1:4,000 to 1:8,000. Landsat and Spot satellites helped retrieve this image and data; its objective is land use.


This is a public land survey system using cadastral information to depict Minnesota's PLSS base map. This is a small part of 1:100,000 scale of Worthington quadrangle. Each small box shows a quarter quarter section. Each number represents each quarter section quadrant and quarter quarter section quadrant. Townships and ranges are shown along with corresponding numbers.

Hypsometric Map

This is a measurement of height. The shaded relief plus hypsometric tints show shape and height of Las Bayas, Argentina using the Earth observatory elevation data.